Enrollment Policy
1.01 This policy provides transparency to families regarding the process BBE uses to enroll and allocate child care spaces to its current and future members.
2.01 The purpose of this policy is to:
3.01 This policy applies to children, staff and families in all of BBE’s programs.
It is the responsibility of the Executive Director (ED) to ensure that this policy is followed and that all staff are aware of, and in adherence to, the procedures herein.
5.01 Infant Child Care Program:
Care provided to children between the ages of 12 weeks old and 2 years of age (Community Child Care Standards Act, Regulation 1). BBE operates an infant child care program at the Monterey Centre.
5.02 Toddler and Preschool Child Care Program:
Child care provided to children between the age of 2 and 6 (Community Child Care Standards Act, Regulation 1). BBE operates a toddler and preschool child care program at the Monterey Center.
5.03 Kindergarten Child Care Program:
Child care provided to children who attend kindergarten (Community Child Care Standards Act, Regulation 1). BBE operates the kindergarten child care program at the School Age Centre.
5.04 School Age Child Care Program:
BBE operates a school age child care program for children in grades 1 to 5, or up to the age of 12 (grade 6). This program is operated at the School Age Centre.(Community Child Care Standards Act, Regulation 1).
5.05 Full-time Infant, Toddler and Preschool Child Care:
A minimum of 5 days a week and over 4 hours of child care each day. Child care fees apply as outlined in BBE’s fee structure.
5.06 Full Time School Age Child Care:
5 days per week. Families with school age children are required to pay full fees on days their children are not in School i.e. spring break, summer and winter holidays, inservice days and stat holidays..
5.07 School Age Centre:
The school age centre is located in Phoenix School. This is where BBE operates the kindergarten and school age child care programs (Community Child Care Standards Act,Regulation 1).
Procedure for New Enrollment in All Programs
When a family contacts BBE requesting a child care space, BBE will direct the family to place their name and contact information on the internal Fastoche waitlist which is located on our website at www.brightbeginningseducare.com. If the family is a Headingley resident, BBE will flag the family as a “priority of space once registered”. Should at any time your address change please contact the
centre at [email protected].
Priority for enrollment will be given to those children on a full-time schedule (as defined below) A family can choose to pay for full time care but not use the care on a full-time basis. If part time child care is requested, families will be required to pay for a full-time space until the ED can
match another family’s part time schedule with the original request (see below) – based on enrolment priority.
Priority of Space
When a child care space becomes available at BBE, the ED or their designate will draw names from the BBE Registry waitlist, starting with the name that has been on the waitlist the longest appropriate to the space that is available. Spaces will be offered based on the
following priorities:
BBE will make one attempt by phone and email (if available) to make contact with the family, to inform them that a space is available, and that the family has one business day (24 hours from date of email) to confirm with BBE if they wish to accept the child care space. If confirmation is not received, the ED, or their designate, will begin the process again as mentioned above.
BBE will complete the notes section on the BBE Child Care Registry waitlist (see above), where BBE documents when child care spaces are offered and the response from the family (i.e. child care space was declined on x). BBE will only remove the name of a family off the online waitlist, if the family accepts the child care space at BBE or if the family requests that they be removed from the online waitlist. BBE will remove duplicate or triplicate names off the list, once it has been confirmed that the names are the same.
When a family accepts the child care space, the family is responsible for completing the registration form and submitting a refundable deposit $100 as well as a non-refundable administration fee ($200), to BBE’s Office at the Monterey Centre within two weeks of confirmation of the child care space, or before the child’s first day, whichever comes first. Cheque or payment thru Rotessa is available (see section 6.01). If payment is not received, the ED, or their designate will complete the begin the registration process again with the next person. Proof of residency is required prior to registration being finalized (examples: driver’s license, medical card, tax bill, utility bill). Failure to do so will void the acceptance and the registration will begin as per above.
If the family declines the child care space, the ED, or their designate, will offer the available space to the next eligible family. The family who declined will maintain their position on the Fastoche Waitlist.
A child entering any of the programs will be assigned a specific room/site by the ED or designate. At any time, during the enrolment at BBE, room or site changes may be made to meet the needs of a child, for ratio reasons or when entering the kindergarten year. The proposed changes will be discussed with the parents prior to the move and the change may not be optional for reasons noted above.
Securing a infant or preschool space does not automatically secure a school age space.
When the family submits the registration form, administration fee and refundable deposit, the ED will provide the family with the following information:
Procedure for Sharing A Full Time Child Care Space in All Programs
Priority for enrollment will be given to those children on a full-time schedule (as defined in section above). A family can choose to pay for full time care but not use the care on a full-time basis. If part time child care is requested, families will be required to pay for a full-time schedule until the ED can match another family’s part time schedule with the original request, following the registration process above.
If a match is found, following the waitlist, both families must sign a form agreeing to share the space and if the other family no longer requires the child care space, the other family will be responsible for paying for full time care until another match can be found.
In the event that both families require full time care, they continue to share the space until another full-time child care space becomes available. The next available space will be given.
Procedure for Accommodating Summer Only and Short-Term Child Care
Summer only child care spaces and short-term child care spaces will be accommodated by the ED on a first come, first serve basis, if space allows.
The ED will assess the child care spaces available and notify a family if the requested time limited child care space can be accommodated. Requested space is not guaranteed until notice is received from the ED. Allocation of summer only or short-term care requires confirmed absence of another child or an open space.
Child care fees will apply for the child absent from BBE and the child receiving summer only or short-term child care.
Summer only or one day child care requests will only be granted to a child if two confirmed child care spaces are available for the requested time. This requirement exists to ensure ratios are maintained if the absent child returns without notice. In the event that child care cannot be provided, the ED will notify the family and the Board of Directors at an upcoming meeting.
Procedures for Transitioning A Child Into The Infant Program
Upon acceptance into the infant child care program, families are encouraged to make arrangements with the ED of designate to have the parent and child visit the infant room prior to the child beginning. The parent must stay with the child during these visits.
Procedures for Transitioning Infant Children to Preschool Program
When a child turns 2 years of age, the child will be transitioned into the toddler or preschool program. In the event that there isn’t a space in the toddler or preschool program for the child, will remain in the infant program until a space becomes available and programming will be adapted to meet the needs of the child. At any time, the child may visit other rooms prior to moving permanently, according to our Mixed Age Policy.
The ED, in conjunction with the family, may choose to move a child to the toddler or preschool program before the child turns 2 years of age only if the child is at least 22.5 months old. In order to do this, the ED must request an age exemption from the Provincial Child Care Coordinator.
Prior to moving a child to the toddler or preschool program, each child will be given opportunities to visit the new room to build a relationship with the staff and the children of the room to ease the transition. BBE strives to ensure each child is afforded several opportunities to visit their new room before moving permanently to their new space, as long as ratios and space allows.
Two weeks prior to their child transitioning to a new room, the ED or designate, will notify families of the impending move, including timelines and identifying new staff members therein. Parents will also be offered an opportunity to tour the room.
Procedures for Transitioning Preschool Children to Kindergarten Program
Early in the new year, the ED will send out a preliminary survey to existing families who have preschool children eligible to enter into kindergarten in the upcoming fall intake. They will be asked to confirm whether or not they will require child care in BBE’s kindergarten program for their child, as well as what school their child will be attending (i.e. Phoenix School or another school). This information is being collected for the purpose of Centre projections at the kindergarten and school age child care programs. Projections for the kindergarten and school age programs will be presented to the Board of Directors on an annual basis.
The ED will work with Phoenix School to create a kindergarten classroom list that meets the licensing needs of BBE. At the time of registration with Phoenix School, families are to share their child is attending Bright Beginnings, if their plan is to stay with the centre in the Kindergarten year.
The ED will confirm kindergarten spaces with families advised by Phoenix school.
For children registered to attend kindergarten at Phoenix school, BBE will work with the family to deliver child care either at the School Age Center if capacity allows or through the Monterey or Heartland Centre.
Children attending kindergarten at either Monterey or Heartland may have to move to a different room and/or site for their kindergarten year in order to accommodate bussing. This information will be shared closer to June.
The placement of children at the School Age or Preschool centre will be based on the following:
If capacity at Monterey or Heartland Centre allows, child care will only be accommodated as long as the child is still defined as a preschool age child, as per Government regulations, up to age 6 and/or end of kindergarten, June 30, of the school year, which will be the last day of care at the Monterey or Heartland site.
Transportation arrangements can be made by the family for the child to travel between BBE and Phoenix school as per the St. James School Division travel policy. BBE is responsible for taking your child to the bus door for drop off and meeting your child at the bus door upon their return. BBE is not responsible for your child while on the SJSD bus.
BBE cannot guarantee a school age child care space (Grade 1 – 5) at the School Age Center for any kindergarten child when they begin the Grade 1 year . School age spaces are based on availability of space and seniority of enrolment. Families will be notified of space as soon as possible, prior to the Grade 1 year.
If school age child care is required beyond the kindergarten school year, your name can be placed on the BBE waitlist
For children registered to attend kindergarten at a school other than Phoenix, BBE will work with the family to deliver child care at the Monterey Centre. The family will be responsible for making transportation arrangements for the child to travel between BBE and their school, as per the St. James School Division travel policy. BBE is responsible for taking your child to the bus door for drop off and meeting your child at the bus door upon their return. BBE is not responsible for your child while on the SJSD bus.
In either situation, care is not available after June 30 of the year the child is entering Grade 1.
Declining Kindergarten space
In the event a family who is eligible for a kindergarten space in the kindergarten child care program declines the space, they will be required to initial and date the space on the Kindergarten BBE information document. A copy will be given to the family and a copy will be placed in the child’s file.
Any preschool children, who remain at the Monterey or Heartland Centre for their kindergarten year, may be required to move to a different preschool room or centre than the one that they are currently in so that the kindergarten children are able to spend time together, for centre operational logistics, and for ratio reasons. The primary Kindergarten location is Monterey site. Placement to another room will be mandatory. Prior to moving a child to another location, each child will be given opportunities to ease the transition by visiting and building a relationship with the staff and the children therein. BBE strives to ensure each child is afforded opportunities to visit their new room before moving permanently to their new space, as long as ratios and capacity allow.
Kindergarten children, who have received confirmation from BBE to move to the School Age Center (Phoenix School), may have opportunity to visit the school over the summer if ratio allows. Our goal is to move the children to the school age location in July. Information will be shared with families prior to the end of May regarding a confirmed move date. Preschool fees are in effect for the kindergarten year.
In the event capacity is full at the School Age, Monterey and Heartland Centre and BBE is not able to provide space and/or transition kindergarten children, the ED is responsible for bringing this to the attention of the Board of Directors no later than the end of February or as soon as known that there is an impact to space. The ED and Board of Directors will explore other available options.
Options may include the following:
Procedure for transitioning children from Kindergarten Program to School Age Program (Grade 1 – 5)
Only children attending Phoenix School are eligible for a school age space in Phoenix School, if one is available.
The ED will inform families by the end of June, or sooner, if their child will have a space in the school age program.
A child who does not receive a school age space can be placed on the waitlist at the parents’ discretion and would be given priority based on current family enrollment date for the next available school age spot until Oct 31 of that school year, after which normal enrollment priority outlined in priority enrolment section will also apply.
A family must notify the ED, in writing, a minimum of two weeks prior, if any changes are required to their child care schedule.
Any family who chooses to give up or cancel their child's spot in the School Age Program then wants to resume care, and subsequently places their name on the waitlist for the School Age Program, will not be eligible for sibling priority as outlined in section priority section above. The family will be placed at the bottom of the waitlist and their new priority date will be based on their most recent request for care.
Required Forms
1.01 This policy provides transparency to families regarding the process BBE uses to enroll and allocate child care spaces to its current and future members.
2.01 The purpose of this policy is to:
- Ensure enrollment for child care is granted without discrimination regarding: gender, race, creed, religion or political belief.
- Ensure guidelines are adhered to when children are enrolled into BBE and move across the various programs of BBE (ie. infant to preschool to school age).
- Ensure that BBE is striving to meet the child care needs of families in the community.
- Ensure that BBE is operating within its capacity.
- Ensure that BBE is honoring its obligations regarding enrollment and use of space outlined in the Lease Agreement contracted with the RM of Headingley.
- Ensure that BBE is honoring its obligations regarding enrollment and use of space, as agreed upon with the St. James School Division and/or Phoenix School.
- Ensure that BBE is providing continuity of care to its families to the best of its abilities.
3.01 This policy applies to children, staff and families in all of BBE’s programs.
It is the responsibility of the Executive Director (ED) to ensure that this policy is followed and that all staff are aware of, and in adherence to, the procedures herein.
5.01 Infant Child Care Program:
Care provided to children between the ages of 12 weeks old and 2 years of age (Community Child Care Standards Act, Regulation 1). BBE operates an infant child care program at the Monterey Centre.
5.02 Toddler and Preschool Child Care Program:
Child care provided to children between the age of 2 and 6 (Community Child Care Standards Act, Regulation 1). BBE operates a toddler and preschool child care program at the Monterey Center.
5.03 Kindergarten Child Care Program:
Child care provided to children who attend kindergarten (Community Child Care Standards Act, Regulation 1). BBE operates the kindergarten child care program at the School Age Centre.
5.04 School Age Child Care Program:
BBE operates a school age child care program for children in grades 1 to 5, or up to the age of 12 (grade 6). This program is operated at the School Age Centre.(Community Child Care Standards Act, Regulation 1).
5.05 Full-time Infant, Toddler and Preschool Child Care:
A minimum of 5 days a week and over 4 hours of child care each day. Child care fees apply as outlined in BBE’s fee structure.
5.06 Full Time School Age Child Care:
5 days per week. Families with school age children are required to pay full fees on days their children are not in School i.e. spring break, summer and winter holidays, inservice days and stat holidays..
5.07 School Age Centre:
The school age centre is located in Phoenix School. This is where BBE operates the kindergarten and school age child care programs (Community Child Care Standards Act,Regulation 1).
Procedure for New Enrollment in All Programs
When a family contacts BBE requesting a child care space, BBE will direct the family to place their name and contact information on the internal Fastoche waitlist which is located on our website at www.brightbeginningseducare.com. If the family is a Headingley resident, BBE will flag the family as a “priority of space once registered”. Should at any time your address change please contact the
centre at [email protected].
Priority for enrollment will be given to those children on a full-time schedule (as defined below) A family can choose to pay for full time care but not use the care on a full-time basis. If part time child care is requested, families will be required to pay for a full-time space until the ED can
match another family’s part time schedule with the original request (see below) – based on enrolment priority.
Priority of Space
When a child care space becomes available at BBE, the ED or their designate will draw names from the BBE Registry waitlist, starting with the name that has been on the waitlist the longest appropriate to the space that is available. Spaces will be offered based on the
following priorities:
- Maximum of 6 spaces for BBE centre staff if needed (maximum 2 children/site)
- Siblings of registered children prioritized based on the start date of the eldest child that is currently receiving services
- Headingley Residents
- Non Headingley Residents
BBE will make one attempt by phone and email (if available) to make contact with the family, to inform them that a space is available, and that the family has one business day (24 hours from date of email) to confirm with BBE if they wish to accept the child care space. If confirmation is not received, the ED, or their designate, will begin the process again as mentioned above.
BBE will complete the notes section on the BBE Child Care Registry waitlist (see above), where BBE documents when child care spaces are offered and the response from the family (i.e. child care space was declined on x). BBE will only remove the name of a family off the online waitlist, if the family accepts the child care space at BBE or if the family requests that they be removed from the online waitlist. BBE will remove duplicate or triplicate names off the list, once it has been confirmed that the names are the same.
When a family accepts the child care space, the family is responsible for completing the registration form and submitting a refundable deposit $100 as well as a non-refundable administration fee ($200), to BBE’s Office at the Monterey Centre within two weeks of confirmation of the child care space, or before the child’s first day, whichever comes first. Cheque or payment thru Rotessa is available (see section 6.01). If payment is not received, the ED, or their designate will complete the begin the registration process again with the next person. Proof of residency is required prior to registration being finalized (examples: driver’s license, medical card, tax bill, utility bill). Failure to do so will void the acceptance and the registration will begin as per above.
If the family declines the child care space, the ED, or their designate, will offer the available space to the next eligible family. The family who declined will maintain their position on the Fastoche Waitlist.
A child entering any of the programs will be assigned a specific room/site by the ED or designate. At any time, during the enrolment at BBE, room or site changes may be made to meet the needs of a child, for ratio reasons or when entering the kindergarten year. The proposed changes will be discussed with the parents prior to the move and the change may not be optional for reasons noted above.
Securing a infant or preschool space does not automatically secure a school age space.
When the family submits the registration form, administration fee and refundable deposit, the ED will provide the family with the following information:
- Parent Policy Manual
- If applicable, the room/site their child has been assigned to.
- Which staff work in the child’s room
- Welcome Package if applicable
Procedure for Sharing A Full Time Child Care Space in All Programs
Priority for enrollment will be given to those children on a full-time schedule (as defined in section above). A family can choose to pay for full time care but not use the care on a full-time basis. If part time child care is requested, families will be required to pay for a full-time schedule until the ED can match another family’s part time schedule with the original request, following the registration process above.
If a match is found, following the waitlist, both families must sign a form agreeing to share the space and if the other family no longer requires the child care space, the other family will be responsible for paying for full time care until another match can be found.
In the event that both families require full time care, they continue to share the space until another full-time child care space becomes available. The next available space will be given.
Procedure for Accommodating Summer Only and Short-Term Child Care
Summer only child care spaces and short-term child care spaces will be accommodated by the ED on a first come, first serve basis, if space allows.
The ED will assess the child care spaces available and notify a family if the requested time limited child care space can be accommodated. Requested space is not guaranteed until notice is received from the ED. Allocation of summer only or short-term care requires confirmed absence of another child or an open space.
Child care fees will apply for the child absent from BBE and the child receiving summer only or short-term child care.
Summer only or one day child care requests will only be granted to a child if two confirmed child care spaces are available for the requested time. This requirement exists to ensure ratios are maintained if the absent child returns without notice. In the event that child care cannot be provided, the ED will notify the family and the Board of Directors at an upcoming meeting.
Procedures for Transitioning A Child Into The Infant Program
Upon acceptance into the infant child care program, families are encouraged to make arrangements with the ED of designate to have the parent and child visit the infant room prior to the child beginning. The parent must stay with the child during these visits.
Procedures for Transitioning Infant Children to Preschool Program
When a child turns 2 years of age, the child will be transitioned into the toddler or preschool program. In the event that there isn’t a space in the toddler or preschool program for the child, will remain in the infant program until a space becomes available and programming will be adapted to meet the needs of the child. At any time, the child may visit other rooms prior to moving permanently, according to our Mixed Age Policy.
The ED, in conjunction with the family, may choose to move a child to the toddler or preschool program before the child turns 2 years of age only if the child is at least 22.5 months old. In order to do this, the ED must request an age exemption from the Provincial Child Care Coordinator.
Prior to moving a child to the toddler or preschool program, each child will be given opportunities to visit the new room to build a relationship with the staff and the children of the room to ease the transition. BBE strives to ensure each child is afforded several opportunities to visit their new room before moving permanently to their new space, as long as ratios and space allows.
Two weeks prior to their child transitioning to a new room, the ED or designate, will notify families of the impending move, including timelines and identifying new staff members therein. Parents will also be offered an opportunity to tour the room.
Procedures for Transitioning Preschool Children to Kindergarten Program
Early in the new year, the ED will send out a preliminary survey to existing families who have preschool children eligible to enter into kindergarten in the upcoming fall intake. They will be asked to confirm whether or not they will require child care in BBE’s kindergarten program for their child, as well as what school their child will be attending (i.e. Phoenix School or another school). This information is being collected for the purpose of Centre projections at the kindergarten and school age child care programs. Projections for the kindergarten and school age programs will be presented to the Board of Directors on an annual basis.
The ED will work with Phoenix School to create a kindergarten classroom list that meets the licensing needs of BBE. At the time of registration with Phoenix School, families are to share their child is attending Bright Beginnings, if their plan is to stay with the centre in the Kindergarten year.
The ED will confirm kindergarten spaces with families advised by Phoenix school.
For children registered to attend kindergarten at Phoenix school, BBE will work with the family to deliver child care either at the School Age Center if capacity allows or through the Monterey or Heartland Centre.
Children attending kindergarten at either Monterey or Heartland may have to move to a different room and/or site for their kindergarten year in order to accommodate bussing. This information will be shared closer to June.
The placement of children at the School Age or Preschool centre will be based on the following:
- Phoenix school placement of children - class room list (am or pm class) which may be based on when you register your child for kindergarten
- Number of spaces available at the School Age location
- Seniority of Family Enrollment at BBE
- other special circumstances
If capacity at Monterey or Heartland Centre allows, child care will only be accommodated as long as the child is still defined as a preschool age child, as per Government regulations, up to age 6 and/or end of kindergarten, June 30, of the school year, which will be the last day of care at the Monterey or Heartland site.
Transportation arrangements can be made by the family for the child to travel between BBE and Phoenix school as per the St. James School Division travel policy. BBE is responsible for taking your child to the bus door for drop off and meeting your child at the bus door upon their return. BBE is not responsible for your child while on the SJSD bus.
BBE cannot guarantee a school age child care space (Grade 1 – 5) at the School Age Center for any kindergarten child when they begin the Grade 1 year . School age spaces are based on availability of space and seniority of enrolment. Families will be notified of space as soon as possible, prior to the Grade 1 year.
If school age child care is required beyond the kindergarten school year, your name can be placed on the BBE waitlist
For children registered to attend kindergarten at a school other than Phoenix, BBE will work with the family to deliver child care at the Monterey Centre. The family will be responsible for making transportation arrangements for the child to travel between BBE and their school, as per the St. James School Division travel policy. BBE is responsible for taking your child to the bus door for drop off and meeting your child at the bus door upon their return. BBE is not responsible for your child while on the SJSD bus.
In either situation, care is not available after June 30 of the year the child is entering Grade 1.
Declining Kindergarten space
In the event a family who is eligible for a kindergarten space in the kindergarten child care program declines the space, they will be required to initial and date the space on the Kindergarten BBE information document. A copy will be given to the family and a copy will be placed in the child’s file.
Any preschool children, who remain at the Monterey or Heartland Centre for their kindergarten year, may be required to move to a different preschool room or centre than the one that they are currently in so that the kindergarten children are able to spend time together, for centre operational logistics, and for ratio reasons. The primary Kindergarten location is Monterey site. Placement to another room will be mandatory. Prior to moving a child to another location, each child will be given opportunities to ease the transition by visiting and building a relationship with the staff and the children therein. BBE strives to ensure each child is afforded opportunities to visit their new room before moving permanently to their new space, as long as ratios and capacity allow.
Kindergarten children, who have received confirmation from BBE to move to the School Age Center (Phoenix School), may have opportunity to visit the school over the summer if ratio allows. Our goal is to move the children to the school age location in July. Information will be shared with families prior to the end of May regarding a confirmed move date. Preschool fees are in effect for the kindergarten year.
In the event capacity is full at the School Age, Monterey and Heartland Centre and BBE is not able to provide space and/or transition kindergarten children, the ED is responsible for bringing this to the attention of the Board of Directors no later than the end of February or as soon as known that there is an impact to space. The ED and Board of Directors will explore other available options.
Options may include the following:
- approaching the Province, the RM of Headingley, Phoenix School and the St. James School Division for approval to operate additional spaces providing the program is financially and operationally viable
- building a partnership with another community organizations that meets licensing regulations in order to operate a satellite location for a kindergarten/school age program if financially and operationally viable
- informing families that at this time, BBE is not able to transition over any additional children into the kindergarten program due to capacity issues by the end of April or as soon as issues are present if after April.
Procedure for transitioning children from Kindergarten Program to School Age Program (Grade 1 – 5)
Only children attending Phoenix School are eligible for a school age space in Phoenix School, if one is available.
The ED will inform families by the end of June, or sooner, if their child will have a space in the school age program.
A child who does not receive a school age space can be placed on the waitlist at the parents’ discretion and would be given priority based on current family enrollment date for the next available school age spot until Oct 31 of that school year, after which normal enrollment priority outlined in priority enrolment section will also apply.
A family must notify the ED, in writing, a minimum of two weeks prior, if any changes are required to their child care schedule.
Any family who chooses to give up or cancel their child's spot in the School Age Program then wants to resume care, and subsequently places their name on the waitlist for the School Age Program, will not be eligible for sibling priority as outlined in section priority section above. The family will be placed at the bottom of the waitlist and their new priority date will be based on their most recent request for care.
Required Forms
- Sign-off form for when a family declines their kindergarten space at the school age centre
- Sign-off form for when families are sharing one child care space