The FOB system allows staff and families to enter the building by swiping a small key fob rather than pressing the door buzzer and waiting to gain access to the building. The FOBS are secure and can only access the centre Monday thru Friday and between the hours of 6:45 am – 6:00 p.m, providing the front door is unlocked.
Your name will be attached to an individual FOB number and should the FOB be lost or your child no longer attends the Monterey site, the FOB will be de-activated. Key Fobs should not be shared with family members.
If a key fob is lost or stolen please contact Lori at 204 299 0564 (call or text) or email [email protected] as soon as you are aware the fob is missing. A new fob will be given in replacement for a fee of $15.00.
As always, when entering or exiting the building please be sure you are comfortable with who you are letting into the building.
The cost is $15.00 (non-refundable) for each FOB ordered. There will be a maximum of 3 FOBS per family. Fob expenses will be charged to your account.
BBE staff have a legal obligation to report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect to the Executive Director and to Child and Family Services. Abuse includes but is not limited to physical, emotional and sexual.
Your name will be attached to an individual FOB number and should the FOB be lost or your child no longer attends the Monterey site, the FOB will be de-activated. Key Fobs should not be shared with family members.
If a key fob is lost or stolen please contact Lori at 204 299 0564 (call or text) or email [email protected] as soon as you are aware the fob is missing. A new fob will be given in replacement for a fee of $15.00.
As always, when entering or exiting the building please be sure you are comfortable with who you are letting into the building.
The cost is $15.00 (non-refundable) for each FOB ordered. There will be a maximum of 3 FOBS per family. Fob expenses will be charged to your account.
BBE staff have a legal obligation to report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect to the Executive Director and to Child and Family Services. Abuse includes but is not limited to physical, emotional and sexual.