Snack & Lunch
Parents/guardians are responsible for providing all meals for their child/ren. BBE recognizes that children require variety in their food choices, including choices from each food group as well as foods in different colours, textures and temperature. Microwaves are available at the infant/preschool sites. Please do not send glass containers as they are a safety risk. Cutlery and water bottles are to be provided by the family. Microwaves are not available at the school age site. |
Canada Food Guide. At the Monterey and Heartland Site, there is a milk program available for $5.00 monthly fee. If snacks/meals are forgotten, BBE will apply a fee of $6.00 to your account and supply snacks and a lunch for the day. You will be notified through the daily journal that we supplied your child with a meal. On occasion, at the school age site during in-service days a hot lunch such as pizza may be offered for a fee. Information will be sent to families at the time of the event. |