If your child requires anything with medicinal properties while at the Centre you are required to fill out a Medication Form. Staff will take every measure appropriate but will not force children to take medication. Parents or guardians will be notified if medicine is not administered. All prescription medicine, non-prescription medicine, or items with medicinal properties must be:
A Doctor's prescription or note will not be required for fever reducing medicine for children under 2 years of age. Children cannot carry medication on their person. School Age children are only allowed to carry inhalers or EpiPens on their person. Parents or guardians must give medication directly to a staff person who will then ensure it is locked in a lock box in the child’s room. For safety reasons Epipens and inhalers are not in lock boxes, they are easily accessible for the staff to use them with the children in emergencies.
- In its original container;
- Clearly marked with your child’s name;
- Current (not past the expiry date); and
- Accompanied by a doctor’s prescription or a doctor’s note.
A Doctor's prescription or note will not be required for fever reducing medicine for children under 2 years of age. Children cannot carry medication on their person. School Age children are only allowed to carry inhalers or EpiPens on their person. Parents or guardians must give medication directly to a staff person who will then ensure it is locked in a lock box in the child’s room. For safety reasons Epipens and inhalers are not in lock boxes, they are easily accessible for the staff to use them with the children in emergencies.